About Me

I’m a 42 yr old female who innocently started taking Mirapex for Restless Leg Syndrome. Within less than six weeks of starting Mirapex I blindly began a compulsion and an obsession with going to the casino. With that first trip of which many, many more were to come, little did I know the possibility one of this drugs serious side effects could have outright destroyed me. My issue with Mirapex is not that there are serious side effects – my issue is I had a right to be informed of ALL the potential side effects they KNEW about.


'Consumer Reports' entertaining view on drug commericals

I came across this Consumer Reports video about Requip (on the same lines of MIRAPEX) while searching for when the commercial ads for the drug MIRAPEX starting running.

At first watching the video I felt a little offended (comes across as mocking RLS), then I started laughing – Consumer Reports did a great job at pointing out the silliness of this drug commercial and as well laughing along when the commentator said something on the lines about not knowing it was a medical condition until it was pointed out… 'I didn't know what I had was a medical condition until it was pointed out to me that I had 'RLS'. 

THEN I cried.

Unfortunately I never saw this commercial or ones like it (for Mirapex). 

Keep up the good work Consumer Reports!! Thanks for the smile today.


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